Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week in Review and a Blog Nomination

60 Miles
1 Workout
10 mile MLR
12.5M Long Run + Workout
1 Blog Nomination

This week in running was the beginning of my taper for the Cooper River 10k.  Everything of importance is recapped in the workout posts, so I’ll focus on the surprise of this week!

Miraculously, other people (besides my parents and Meagan Nedlo) read my blog.  Shocker, I know.

I was nominated for Salty Running’s Greatest Women’s Running Blog by an anonymous fan.  Admittedly, I do not have time to frequent many running blogs besides Meagan’s, but I had been on Salty Running’s page before when they wrote an article on Alana Hadley last summer.  They seem to have a great page that promotes women’s running.  Thanks Salty for creating this awesome competition!

So, somehow someone told Salty about my blog, and viola, the underdog blog was in!  Paul Mainwaring found my nomination in the first round and sent it to me via a FaceBook message.  Needless to say, I should probably pay Paul for the recent agent services he’s provided as he promoted the first round vote via the Charlotte Running Club’s private “Seven Minute Milers” FB group.  I’m very humbled by the support for my blog...which features a writing style that I describe as very factual, frank and to-the-point.  I hope that I can continue to provide motivation to those post-collegiate runners out there who aspire to better their college PRs.  It is completely possible!

Next year, I hope to nominate Meagan’s blog so she can compete.  I am very shocked that Meagan Nedlo was not on the list because her blog offers wit, sarcasm and fun in every single post.  Heck, there is even another blogger out there that steals paragraphs from Meagan’s blog and makes a few wordsmith changes and pastes into her own blog posts.  I guess plagiarism is a form of flattery?  Stay tuned for results!


Unknown said...

congrats caitlin! that's awesome news. i agree that megan's hat should be thrown in the ring next year - her blog is definitely a fun read.

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