Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week In Review

~67 Miles
8 Runs in 6 Days
12 Mile Long Run
5k Race in 17:03
Weight Lifting Started

After starting the week in Albany and realizing that I hadn't take a day off in over 6 weeks, I took Monday off and enjoyed working from Garrett's dorm room as he played baseball.  The travel on Monday and Tuesday put a little bit of a damper on my running as I only accumulated 8 miles over those two days.  However, I enjoyed every moment that I got to spend with Garrett, so it was entirely worth it.

Back in Charlotte, I got in lots of easy runs in preparation for Beat the Heat before finally making it to race day.  I competed with a race with some great local competition and then enjoyed hanging out with some of NC's finest at Foothills Brewery. 

My mileage over the course of the past 7 weeks has been consistently in the 70-80 mile range.  After I take a week off from working out this coming week, I will bump my mileage up to 80-85 for the next three weeks before tapering a bit for the 13.1 Minneapolis Race.  From there, I'll begin to dip into the 85-90 mile range to build my strength for the Trials.  With only 6 months left until the big day, little things are becoming more and more important.  It's crazy how quickly the year is flying by.


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