Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week in Review

80 Miles
2 Workouts
3 Hours of Dance
3 Doubles

This week was exactly what it was supposed to be, even if I had a terrible workout on Saturday.  What was supposed to be a glorious, climactic last big workout prior to the Half Champs, turned out to be a dismal cut down workout with a less than impressive first mile split of 5:50.  Even though I could hear my coach Mark's voice in the back of my head...just keep doing mile repeats and adjust the pace, I didn't feel like doing that exactly.  Honestly, it was quite depressing that it felt harder to run 5:50 pace for 1 mile than it did to run 5:40 in my wave workout on Wednesday.  Regardless, I decided to do a ladder and after that, I felt much better.  I ran mile-1200m-1000m-800m-600m-400m-200m-400m-200m all with about 1:00-1:45 jog rest as I did repetitive circles around the Dilworth 800m loop.  After the mile repeat, I was able to maintain 5:20 pace until the 400s and 200s, where I cranked up the speed a bit.  It felt really great to get the wheels moving a bit faster than I'm used to in a while.  I'm pretty much guaranteed to have a bad workout out of every three tries, so this wasn't any surprise.  I've had my fair share of tempos this training cycle that have given me the confidence to go into the half next week, knowing that I can PR.  Even if workouts don't always go as planned, you can still mentally plan based on a couple of key workout indicators. 

I'm ready to hurt at the Half Champs.  Most importantly, I'm ready to see Meagan for the first time since March!!!


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