Sunday, July 9, 2017

Week in Review (Plantar Fasciitis)

12 Miles
2 Runs
5 Days off
1 bothersome L heel/calf/achilles
2 Lift Days
3 Rock Climbing Days

After last Saturday's long run, my heel continued to bother me into this week. Instead of trying to run through it, I decided that now is the best time to take off to let it heal.  The only kicker is that I literally just received an elite entry for the SF half, so if I am injured, I feel like a jerk for not even being able to toe the start line.  I'm feeling hopeful, though.  With lots of massages scheduled at Sports Medicine Institute in Palo Alto with Josh and Jenna (and whoever else can get me in, for that matter), combined with continuing my weight lifting regime, I'm hoping this is just a small speed bump along the way


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