Sunday, August 17, 2014

Duke Fuqua MBA Residency Week(s) in Review

Week of August 4th:
43 miles
1 day off
200m on / off @ duke track
8.5 mile "long" run

Week of August 11th:
36 miles
1 day off
8 mile "long" run
1 Accounting Midterm

I was hoping that once my MBA started I would be able to keep up with my blog, but I think that is going to be really tough over the next 1.5 years.  I stepped into my Fuqua Cross Continent MBA residency feeling bright eyed and confident.  I stepped out of it feeling dreary eyed and dejected.  But even with those feelings, I absolutely love it!  The program is set up like this:  each term starts off with a reading period, where we have to read materials to prepare for three classes.  Then we head off to an intense "residency" in another country (or, in this case, at Duke) where we go to class, eat, go to class, eat, go to a speaker, eat, talk with a career coach, go to sleep, repeat.  After that, we have 6-8 weeks of classes at a distance and we must rely heavily on our teams to get assignments done.  During residency, there is literally no break; it's nonstop.  There are 15 minute breaks between classes and speaker events and the only down time you really get is when you eat in the cafeteria with your classmates.  It's challenging both intellectually and emotionally, but totally worth it.  I became a marathon runner for a reason - because I love a good challenge and the journey it takes to properly prepare for the challenge.  Similarly, I am approaching the journey to achieving my MBA in the same spirit.

Somehow in all of the madness of residency, I was able to get in some runs every morning.  Quite frankly, these runs were what kept me sane! I managed about 4-8 miles most days and finally caved on the 7th day of residency after I went to bed at 12:30 and decided that sleep was more important than a run.  The hardest adjustment during residency was getting five hours of sleep instead of eight or even ten hours.  All in all, I know that I will eventually adjust to this new routine that is called my crazy, busy life.


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