Monday, December 14, 2009

2010 Goals

So. This past summer I came up with some running goals, but they were pretty elusive, mushy gushy goals like "have fun with running!" These were definitely goals that I needed to have at the time because I was not having fun and I just wanted to find the joy of running again. That pleasure has resurfaced mainly due to the Charlotte Running Club members and due toTheoden Janes' awesome blog. Keeping that in mind, I'm going on the assumption that the fun will naturally continue in 2010, so it does not need to be listed as a goal.

(Keep in mind that the Club has a social committee now with Charlotte's own Rebecca Thomason as the lead....what more could I ask for?!)

When I looked back on my races, I did not really have a way to guage my success of meeting my goals in the fall because I did not make any concrete goals that were specific and measurable. Nor were these goals long term. For this reason, I have developed some more tangible goals for the next upcoming year, which you can see listed below.

I'm looking to peak for the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler, which works out perfectly since the majority of my running buddies will be trying to peak for Boston a couple of weeks later. I'm hoping all you people out there can help hold me accountable! :o)

2010 Running Goals

Sub 17:10 5k
Sub 22:50 4 Miler
Sub 29:30 8k
Sub 36:40 10k
Sub 1:00:00 at Cherry Blossom, Top 30 Women, Win Team Competition
Sub 1:20:00 Half Marathon
Run 1st Marathon sub 2:52
$1500 total race earnings


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